v1.1 wrecks Sven Co-op - fix soon Date: 10/06/00 Updated By: Sven Viking

Hi again, all. As you may know by now, the new version of Half-Life is incompatible with all old mods, including SvenCo-op :/. This means that SvenCo-op won't run once you install the Half-Life update. BigGuy and Alfred are currently working together to create a temporary fix for this problem... hopefully it'll be ready within the next few days.

Because BigGuy still hasn't been able to fix his computer, he can't actually port any SvenCo-op stuff over to the new version of Half-Life yet, so the temporary fix will contain only a few basic co-op features (e.g. map transitions, no player killing, monsters in multiplayer). We'll try to arrange a full fix asap, but that might not be too soon.


On the subject of the v1.1.0.0 update, what the heck is up with it, anyway? Maybe it's just me (and most other people on NZ HL servers at the moment), but it seems that the net code is actually considerably worse than before... been playing Counterstrike and TFC, and the game freezes up quite constantly due to lag problems, and crashes every-so-often due to an illegal server protocol or something. Players warp all over the place, etc. Everyone I've talked to at this point finds things much more laggy than before, also.

Surely Valve tested this stuff??? Maybe the problem's just because we didn't know that we were supposed to set mp_lagginess to 0 or something... sure hope it is... but it seems pretty weird in any case. I thought there might've been problems with the new version, but I at least expected the net code to be a bit better than before... not worse! Hope they don't have to break old-mod-support again to fix things up.

There also seem to be some model bugs in TFC, BTW (Gordon running about as well as scouts with rocket launchers/etc.), and a couple of other things. And I don't like firing prediction... makes it much harder to hit anything, imho, 'cos you don't know what you're really hitting, or how far ahead to aim. There're some nice new features and such, but unless the lag problems clear up somehow, they don't come close to making up for the problems....

Would really like to know how the lag is for everyone else/people on different connections/etc. (I'm on 56k), in case it's a problem that only effects New Zealanders or something. If you've been playing v1.1.0.0 online, lately, please post your comments about the new net code on the Message Board (including your connection speed, thx).


UPDATE: Hmm, seeing this, I guess the new net code does apparently work well for at least a few people... Don't know what's going on, then. Comments on the msg board would still be helpful, thanks...

SvenCo-op v1.4 Status Date: 06/06/00 Updated By: Sven Viking

Hi all... been meaning to update for a few days now, but been sorta sick lately, and never got around to it :/. Sorry about that.

For those who've been wondering what's happening with 1.4 - BigGuy is still having computer problems :(, and no work can be done on the source code (or several other things) 'till he's back. Good news is that he has the new SDK/etc., so hopefully we'll be able to reduce lag by a fair amount in 1.4.

I see on the PHL News page that we're Mod of the Week again! (3rd time now). Nice!

A newer version of RandMap is out (v1.10). You can download it from HERE.

The "Co-op in OpFor" page has been updated with a list of map filenames, kindly provided by evil pino.

Welcome To The New Look Sven Co-op! Date: 29/05/00 Updated By: Maniac
I'd like to welcome you all to the new look Sven Co-op site. In the next version of Sven Co-op I will have full input into the graphics, overall look and some input into the player models used. This re-design of the site should show you all what the next version of the mod will look like - I'm going for the professional approach this time around. Check the files page for the latest maps that I've recently added.

I'd like to thank all of the fans out there for their support through this site transition and for waiting patiently while the next version of the mod is being prepared - the next version will blow you away!

Last but not least I'd like to thank all of the Sven Co-op team, as we have recently acquired some new members.

I need Eric and Mad Jonesy to e-mail me their e-mail address' so I can add then to the contact page. I also need Eric to send me some more pictures of the new weapon models to add to the screenshots page.

If anyone out there could take some Co-op screenshots for the screenshots page, please e-mail me them zipped, in JPEG form.

A new map has been added to the files page, grunts by Deathdog.

P.S I've made some slight changes to the site.



Quick update Date: 19/05/00 Updated by: Sven Viking
Quick update: At net cafe at the moment... no time... should be back in 4 days,or similar. Cya all.

Sven go now Date: 21/05/00 Updated by: Sven Viking
Ugh... due to rather-suspected-a-couple-of-days-ago-but-still-pretty-much-unforseen circumstances, I'm going away tomorrow.... should be back in about a week (hopefully BigGuy will be back then, too, and we can see about finishing up v1.4).

Hope everything goes well while I'm gone (though not too well, or you might all decide you don't need me anymore ;) ). Cya soon-ish, everyone.

P.S. for those who don't want to download the 135meg MGS2 trailer (took me a while on 56k :) ), I made up a 4meg MOV showing just a few clips of some of the better features (wanted to show a lot more, but it was always too big).

Another weapon image! Date: 19/05/00 Updated by: Sven Viking
Here's a shot of the M95 "Nomad" sniper rifle that'll be in 1.4 (made by Erich). Looks pretty good, imho :).

Uzi model image Date: 17/05/00 Updated by: Sven Viking
Here's the Uzi shot I mentioned in the last post (click to enlarge):

Various Date: 15/05/00 Updated by: Sven Viking
Update: Had this ready to upload yesterday, but PHL FTP was down :/. Also, just BTW, the General forum of the message board is about to hit 1000 posts :).

Hmm... sorry again for the now rather extreme lack of updates... been meaning to update the site for a few days now, but there was always something I wanted to get sorted out first.

Anyway, better give you all an update on the current situation of the mod. Firstly, BigGuy (who does all the coding for the mod) has been having computer troubles for the last while :(, and isn't able to do any coding 'till they're fixed. Can't finish v1.4 without him, so lets hope things work out with that...

Secondly, we have a new team member! Erich has joined the team as Lead Weapons Modeler. He'll be making some new weapon models for SvenCo-op (check back in a day or two for a screenshot). Guess I might as well tell you, since everyone seems to have been told, that one of the things we'll be adding are single and akimbo Uzis... We're also considering adding a sniper rifle of some sort, and Light_dud is working on a couple of other very interesting weapons that we're not talking about just now.

Still on the subject of 1.4, there's a (very long) interview with Mad Jonsey and Light_dud up on the Interview Zone. The interview contains a lot of information on v1.4, and also includes info on and several impressive screenshots of "Co-op Crisis", the upcoming mission pack for SvenCo-op. Please note: v1.4 is a work in progress and some of the features/etc. discussed in the interview are not finalized yet.

On a slightly different subject, a new version of the DropZone map is up on the Files page. It's not exactly the fanciest map around, but can be quite fun if you like grunts-only arena maps. If you downloaded the old version, overwrite it with this one.

P.S., I've been checking up on Metal Gear Solid 2 lately... now I need a PSX2 :(. Oh well, maybe some SvenCo-op fan will send me one for free ;). Or I could just use my time machine...

New maps Date: 28/04/00 Updated by: Sven Viking

Hi all... Sorry about the lack of updates, been really busy. 1.4's been delayed considerably 'cos of problems with models/etc., and now the modeler's disappeared completely :/. We're still trying to get 1.4 finished, though... it'll include a few new maps, BTW, and an updated version of SvenC2.

There's a new map on the Files page at the moment, BTW. It's called War2 (sequel to War), and is a pretty good, and pretty long, 'walk-through' map. Also, a working version of Assault is now available.

Site Re-Design Soon! Date: 21/04/00 Updated by: Maniac

Well, I've decided that I will re-design the site entirely - all knew HTML, java script features etc. ready for 1.4's release (it's not because we're releasing 1.4 so don't jump to conclusions, it's just so that the site will look better than it does now for the upcoming release). Everything will be new about the site, except I will keep some of the better graphics. I won't update the site until the new design is up unless it's important (e.g maps), so see you then!

Cheers Maniac

I'm Back Date: 19/04/00 Updated by: Maniac

Well I'm back after doing my school exams, and they went pretty well. I broke up from school on Friday (It's now Wednesday where I am in the world) and I've been chilling out until today when I've started doing another mod site for Agent X for Unreal Tournament.

I've recently found out that in October of this year Cable is coming to my area (by that I mean cable modems), so all I can say is HAHAHAHA! You can however still tweak cable modems using my guide, which I've also recently updated in the tutorials section at www.planetmaniac.co.uk

I've still got loads of coursework to do before I go back a week today, so you might not see another update until then (unfortunately).

*Soon* you'll see some new graphics on the site showing off some of 1.4's models off. Until then...

Cheers Maniac

Happy Birthday to me... Date: 13/04/00 Updated by: Sven Viking
As you may have noticed already, there's a WAD missing from the Assault map that was posted recently (sorry, got it mixed up with a previous version and thought it was OK). The link's been taken down for now, a fixed version should be up soon.

Stan asked me to mention the co-operative map pack he's working on, called "If it moves...". Check His Site for information. Also, anyone remember Half-Life Inbound? It's sort of changed to this site (Total Reload), and now covers all FPSs and their mods.

By the way, it's been my birthday here for over 21 hours, now, and the amount of gold/jewels/house deeds/etc. that I received in the mail was somewhat disappointing. If you were somehow unable to send me vast riches, I suggest that you simply rob some banks and send me the proceeds... or alternatively, sign up to AllAdvantage and make us both some money :).

P.S., the poll ended a bit strangely... don't know what to do now :). Could anyone who knows of a way to set up a music-rotation-script E-mail me with information, thanks?

P.P.S., Hi to InsaneKnifeMan from CS ;)


New Map, etc. Date: 09/04/00 Updated by: Sven Viking
Don't know what keeps going wrong with the news page :(. Fixed for now, anyway. The poll is going interestingly... mostly put the last two options in as a joke :), but they seem pretty popular. Maybe we can work out a music-cycling system like BurnOut suggested.

There's a new map on the Files page, called Assault. The map was made by Medlam, and is a bit like Marines (though not quite as nice :) ), but with a twist (have to try to rescue a scientist).

ICQ Active List Date: 08/04/00 Updated by: Maniac
There is now an official Sven Co-op ICQ Active List, and the number is 70180934 so come join us!

Cheers Maniac

New Map, Poll, etc. Date: 07/04/00 Updated by: Sven Viking
Well, after an epic battle with the Gnomes, we've re-taken the mod, and work on 1.4 commences (actually, we'll probably be calling it 1.9, since we've added so much).

There's a new 'walk-thru' style map on the Files page, called War. The map was made by André. It's a bit short, but a second part should be coming in a while.

Mad Jonsey (not to be confused with MaD jOn, who's a different person) is now the Official Guy In Charge of Mapping Stuff for SvenCo-op, BTW...

On another subject, there's been a bit of confusion over which music to use on the index.htm page, so I've set up a poll :) (just below the menu). Click on the text to hear an example of each. Don't vote more than once, thanks, wouldn't mind knowing what people actually thought.

Sorry about the lack of Hagar strips, been too busy to scan any. Instead, check out the Bruno the Bandit site... I see that he's a Hagar fan too, and some of the strips are really good (particularly the dice and unicorn-related storylines :)).

Oh yeah, one more thing... it's my birthday in 6 days (the 13th.. but it'd be the 12th in the US), so remember to post large amounts of money, jewels, gold, or similar to: Sven Viking, 123 Phaik St., Mongolia (the address is a joke, if you hadn't noticed).

Deathdog And Mad Jon Update Date: 05/04/00 Updated by: Maniac
Yet another Deathdog message:

Deathdog and MaD jOn are busy on the Garg levels. They intend to have multiple paths and so far have got up to level 2. It is hoped that within 2 weeks we will be up to level 4. Any helpers mail me please.
Deathdog, MaD jOn

My exams are going ok, but I won't bore you all with more details...

Just to clear things up, light_dud DID push me off Big Ben, and it took me longer than I expected to climb back up...

My UPDATED ping tutorial should help all of you're pings out in Sven co-op, so check it out at the tutorials section at Planet Maniac.

Cheers Maniac

New Map, etc. Date: 09/04/00 Updated by: Sven Viking
Don't know what keeps going wrong with the news page :(. Fixed for now, anyway. The poll is going interestingly... mostly put the last two options in as a joke :), but they seem pretty popular. Maybe we can work out a music-cycling system like BurnOut suggested.

There's a new map on the Files page, called Assault. The map was made by Medlam, and is a bit like Marines (though not quite as nice :) ), but with a twist (have to try to rescue a scientist).

ICQ Active List Date: 08/04/00 Updated by: Maniac
There is now an official Sven Co-op ICQ Active List, and the number is 70180934 so come join us!

Cheers Maniac

New Map, Poll, etc. Date: 07/04/00 Updated by: Sven Viking
Well, after an epic battle with the Gnomes, we've re-taken the mod, and work on 1.4 commences (actually, we'll probably be calling it 1.9, since we've added so much).

There's a new 'walk-thru' style map on the Files page, called War. The map was made by André. It's a bit short, but a second part should be coming in a while.

Mad Jonsey (not to be confused with MaD jOn, who's a different person) is now the Official Guy In Charge of Mapping Stuff for SvenCo-op, BTW...

On another subject, there's been a bit of confusion over which music to use on the index.htm page, so I've set up a poll :) (just below the menu). Click on the text to hear an example of each. Don't vote more than once, thanks, wouldn't mind knowing what people actually thought.

Sorry about the lack of Hagar strips, been too busy to scan any. Instead, check out the Bruno the Bandit site... I see that he's a Hagar fan too, and some of the strips are really good (particularly the dice and unicorn-related storylines :)).

Oh yeah, one more thing... it's my birthday in 6 days (the 13th.. but it'd be the 12th in the US), so remember to post large amounts of money, jewels, gold, or similar to: Sven Viking, 123 Phaik St., Mongolia (the address is a joke, if you hadn't noticed).

Deathdog And Mad Jon Update Date: 05/04/00 Updated by: Maniac
Yet another Deathdog message:

Deathdog and MaD jOn are busy on the Garg levels. They intend to have multiple paths and so far have got up to level 2. It is hoped that within 2 weeks we will be up to level 4. Any helpers mail me please.
Deathdog, MaD jOn

My exams are going ok, but I won't bore you all with more details...

Just to clear things up, light_dud DID push me off Big Ben, and it took me longer than I expected to climb back up...

My UPDATED ping tutorial should help all of you're pings out in Sven co-op, so check it out at the tutorials section at Planet Maniac.

Cheers Maniac

April Fools, 2 New Maps Date: 03/04/00 Updated by: Maniac
I hope you all liked the April fools gags - I think Keen nearly died :) Deathdog sent me this message:

I've found all of the leaks in my maps and work has commenced

Thanks, Deathdog

For the 2 new maps, check the files page.

I did my first English exam and my Business Studies exam today - they were surprisingly easy, but I have a LOT more to do yet - I think I'm gonna screw up the Spanish tests, and I'm not even gonna try in Religious Studies.

Cheers Maniac

We gonna make some changes Date: Gnomish Anvil Day Updated by: Nevs the Gnome
Hello there humans and gnomes and other creatures... this be Nevs the Gnome here, Project Leader for Nevs Co-op. I thought I should try this here "News Updating" thingy, and tell you all about some of the innovations us Mod-Making Gnomes be adding.

Firstly, we gonna be taking all them pesky monsters out, adding Gnomish warriors instead, and changing everything to a realistic deathmatch mod portraying historic Gnomish battles. The gnome-to-gnome combat system should be added as soon as we can puzzle out how to get our test machine back together (I think we need to use smaller hammers). Also, all this multi-player stuff seems pretty strange to me, so we're going to make it single-player only.

Our core mod construction team (other than myself) is as follows:
Hector's good at surviving concussions, so he'll be making the noises for the mod, such as the pain sounds for warriors.
Wilfred will be doing the painting, for teksters and stuff.
Pete's always been good at cyphering, so he'll be handling all the code and blueprints.
Humphrey, being old enough to remember most of the gnomish wars, be handling construction of realistic settings and battlegrounds.
And Bertie will be making the weapons (Small, Medium and XXL Gnomish War Hammers).

I'd better go and start building things now. Happy Gnomish Anvil Day!

Mod team splitting up... Date: 01/04/00 Updated by: Sven Viking
I regret to inform you all that due to the massive delay of 1.4, the death of several SvenCo-op map-makers, and the fact that BigGuy, Light_dud and I hate each other like poison, we're all going to be leaving SvenCo-op to make other mods. We can't be bothered to actually finish 1.4, but we'll be releasing the current version, which is pretty buggy...

One problem is that we were trying to alter the monster AI to reduce lag.. but we'd only got as far as the Zombie and Headcrab... so the other monsters will just stand around and do nothing. Because of this, I suggest that all mappers start making maps that contain no monsters other than zombies and headcrabs.

Also, if anyone wondered where Maniac was, after hearing that the mod was closing down, he committed suicide by jumping off Big Ben (check CNN.com for info). Nobody is yet sure of how he got up there without anyone stopping him.

Don't worry, though... the mod won't be left completely. A group of Mod-Making Gnomes heard about our problem and contacted me earlier today. They say they'd be happy to continue work on the mod, and asked if they'd have to supply their own hammers or not.

I think they're intending to take a more mechanical approach than we have, but I feel that the mod will be in good hands. The mod-making gnomes have been responsible for such machines as the Automatic Sock Folder, and the Hydraulic Tongue Massager. They've only just taken up mod-making (previously they were the Super Incredible Contraption-Making Gnomes), but I'm sure that they'll learn quickly.

By the way, the mod I'm leaving to work on is the Sven Dance-A-Thon 2000 mod I mentioned earlier for Wolfenstein 3d. Make sure to check out its web site at www.svendanceathon.com.

Voice Overs Date: 31/03/00 Updated by: Maniac
Wow the news page is fixed mysteriously :)

Kune needs some voices for his next map, so if anyone could offer assistance please e-mail him at First@iname.com for details.

Just to let everyone know, starting Monday I have 2 weeks of tests beginning at school so I will still update, but not as often. I'm also really busy right now going up the gym etc. but I'll still be here, no worries.

Could I just remind everyone to mail me Co-op news, maps etc. so Sven will have time to continue on 1.4

Cheers Maniac

Various... Date: 28/03/00 Updated by: Sven Viking
Hi all... guess I should have updated before, but been a bit busy . Don't know what's been happening with the news page, but it seems to be fixed for the moment.

By the way, in case anyone's been wondering what's been happening about my mother/etc. -- got the pathologist's report a few days ago, and it was good, so hopefully things'll be OK. This also means that, as long as nothing else goes terribly wrong (which is quite possible :) ), I won't be leaving the mod anytime soon.

There are two new maps on the Files page!...
- Phobia, by Crash, is a mission-based Xen-type map, involving crystals that need to be destroyed.
- Trenches, by F941, is an arena-like map involving grunts, mortars, and of course, trenches.

On another subject, Terminator asked me to tell you that his mapping site for SvenCo-op is online, HERE. He should be adding tutorials and reviews to the site in the near future.

Also, Keen asked me to post the following couple of general SvenCo-op tips:

Action-hl.co.uk And 5 new Maps Date: 16/03/00 Updated by: Maniac
I seem to be flavour of the day over at Planet half-Life so please check it out, it's about my new hosted site, Action-hl.co.uk. If you check the files page you'll see a new map pack, the latest operation retribution maps.



Back! (again). Some important stuff. Date: 14/03/00 Updated by: Sven Viking
Update: Check below for more info on Maniac's mod and Action site. Also, Maniac says that he'll be posting 5 updated maps tomorrow.

Hi all. Just got back last night, but didn't have time to update the news 'till now . Got LOTS of E-mail to catch up with :/.

My mother's all right at the moment, BTW, but she's not going to be able to walk around much for a while (cancer :(. Don't know what's going to happen at the moment, waiting for pathologist's report), so I'm going to have to be helping her with a lot of things. With that as well as everything else, working on SvenCo-op is starting to seem sort of impractical, and as much as I'd hate to, I'm having to consider giving up on it after 1.4 is released.

If I was able to make something through the mod, it'd make continuing SvenCo-op more worth-while, though... and I'd be able to push aside some of the (work-related) things I probably should be doing and spend time on SvenCo-op instead. Don't want to charge for the mod or ask everyone to send me money or anything ... might have worked out a reasonable system, though..

I signed up to one of those "get paid to surf the web" things not too long ago, mostly to prove that it was just a trick :). Recently, though, I actually got a cheque from them... and it didn't bounce! Pretty weird imho.. didn't expect to actually be paid.
It's a thing where you stick a banner on your screen and get money for the time it's there (you can close it/etc., doesn't have to be there all the time). Check the official site for full info.

If you join through these links, I'll get something (as long as you actually use the banner), but you'll still get the same amount that you would normally. If a reasonable amount of people sign up, I'll also make sure to clear enough time to get the SvenCoop2 map finished eventually (been too busy to work on it at all, lately :/ ). Thanks all, any help is greatly appreciated.

BTW, my free copy of PC Zone turned up, complete with SvenCo-op on the cover CD... pretty nice, imho :), although they didn't mention it in the actual magazine :/.
Also, if you haven't tried Super Duelling Minivans, you can download it Here. It's a really simple game, but it's lots of fun, especially with two players (to play with the computer, press the F2 or F3 key to change one van to AI).

The Maniac mod For Half-Life Version 1.0 Released! Date: <condensed> Updated by: Maniac
Well guys, here's that DM mod I've been working on for so long. If you're on a modem (I am!) don't worry because it includes an INTELLIGENET tweaked jumbot to play with. You can get the file here:

http://dl.fileplanet.com/dl/dl.asp?planethalflife/actionhluk/maniac_v1.exe Or here: http://maniac.neorift.net/maniac_mod/maniac_v1.exe

This was posted about my mod on the planethalflife news page:
Version 1.0 of the Maniac mod (a DM variation) is made by me, Maniac, that also works on Sven Co-op for Half-Life, a soon to be hosted Action Half-Life Planet hosted site, urban empires and weapons factory mods for unreal tournament and many previous mods...
this mod includes tweaked jumbot AI, new weapons models and player models, sounds, menu systen, crosshairs, tweaked configs for internet play, loads of new levels (The best maps around acording to review sites such as radium) and much more I've forgotten about! I decided to input the Jumbot because i'm on a 56k modem. Anyway, heres the NEW download link:
The old download link is at
I have no idea why this doesn't work, but the files are EXATLY the same anyway so it really doesn't matter where you download it from.

I'm also launching my new action site over the next couple of days, and I'll have 5 updated maps for you all tomorrow.

Cheers Maniac

Mail From Sven Date: 9/03/00 Updated by: Maniac
Sven dropped me a mail to let me know what's going on (Thanks for mailing me!):

Hi.. E-mailing from a net cafe, don't have much time :).

Just E-mailing to say that things aren't too perfect over here, so It'll probably be another day or two before I get back... should be back by Tuesday at the latest (probably).

Sven Viking

On another note, real life is going REAL well as it has lately. Women are great aren't they? look out for my new Action site this weekend at planethalflife, a new site for Weapons Factory UT soon and perhaps a Strike Force re-design... maybe even a little alliance q3 site facelift? :)

Cheers Maniac

Welcome Back Sven! Date: 7/03/00 Updated by: Maniac
I'd just like to welcome Sven back, and I hope your mom is o.k. I will update the site as usual (After all, I am the webmaster) and *soon* you can look forward to new graphics for the site (probably when 1.4 is released, along with my menu graphics etc.) Anyway, here's what Mad Jonesy had to say having played an early version of Deathdog's upcoming map for Sven Co-op:

'The level is large with plenty of interesting ideas, you probably won't like it if you are a Arena addict, but these are few and far between'

I have an upcoming site hosted at planethalflife, which should be up for the weekend so get ready for that. I have 2 Science module tests tommorow so I'm revising tonight (After I've beat some peeps down on CS :)). Real life is busy as ever right now and I'm enjoying it as usual, it's just very complicated - family problems, m8's, tests, girls, babes, birds, women... did I mention chicks? :) Anyway, I still find time for the net (somehow?) because I think it's the rate at which I work.

On another note, I've opened up the new Urban Empires mod site for Unreal Tournament so check it out!

Cheers Maniac

The Return of Sven Viking! Date: 05/03/00 Updated by: Sven Viking
I'm back!! Finally got my PC working on Thursday, so I'm able to start updating the site again. By the way, see the little Hagar icon up there? Remember how I used to put a comic strip on the news once in a while?... well, to keep load times down, I'll now be placing this icon instead. Click it to load the comic/s. I've included more than usual, today, to make up for all the time I've been gone :).

I'd like to thank Maniac for keeping the site running for so long... it was only supposed to be for about a week, but my PC problems proved much less easily fix-able than I had expected, and it ended up being about two months :/. He stuck with the site and kept everything running smoothly, though, which is no small matter (imho).

If all goes well, he'll later be in charge of the Web side of the co-operative maps site currently being worked out (which will have descriptions and ratings for each map, to help people find the map/s they want). He's also offered to do the menu and background images for v1.4 of SvenCo-op, so that should be good.
Update: Maniac says he still has a bit of spare time, so he'll probably also be updating the news, occasionally.

Everything might be delayed by a bit, though... I have to go away, tomorrow, for 3 to 4 days (my mother's not well :( ).

So I've returned only to leave again, so as to return again. Figures.

HELP Date: 20/02/00 Updated by: Maniac
We need a sound/ a collection of sounds of a single shot from an Uzi, and some reloading sounds would be useful as well. If you could help us out please contact Sven Viking. BTW I'm having some uploading problems at the moment and I haven't got a clue why, but my action site's news page is screwed and I'm having trouble uploading my mod... I hope to have this resolved soon.

In other news, I've re-designed Planet Maniac so please check it out.

P.S We need those VOTES!



New Map Date: 18/02/00 Updated by: Maniac
It's name is mastamike and you can snag it from the files page. I will also be releasing my mod tomorrow hopefully so keep your eyes peeled for the "Maniac mod". In co-op news, version 1.4 is nearing release but no date as of yet. I have 1 week off school now because it's half term.... GREAT! If anyone needs anything please ask me to do it this week while I have some spare time.

P.S We need those VOTES!



Map Name Change Date: 17/02/00 Updated by: Maniac
I've changed the maps name on the files page to storage D instead of storage, because there is already a storage - sorry deathdog and co! Please keep voting for us!



New Map Date: 15/02/00 Updated by: Maniac
I mailed Tech support and they've fixed the problem, so head over to the files page to download Storage D. BTW we really need those votes!



PHL Messing Me About Date: 14/02/00 Updated by: Maniac
Hey again guys. I still haven't uploaded that storage D map yet because PHL are messing me about, but never mind - I've e-mailed technical support. I would really like you all to check out www.action-hl.co.uk I now have all day every day free internet access so I should be online more, but real life is VERY busy anyway... but I think I'll get more done now. I'm currently moving ISP's and I'm moving some of my other sites such as planet maniac so if the link doesn't work, don't worry.



2 Updates In One Day! Date: 12/02/00 Updated by: Maniac
I'd like it all if you checked out another site I've done, named action-hl.co.uk Also, read the last news update if you haven't already. My m8 needs some help... as it's valentines day Monday, he needs to know how to sneak a 2 foot rose into school to give to a babe, any suggestions? please mail him, I know your all romantics like me :)

P.S Going out with the lads tonight, coming back with the babes :) Wish me luck :)



I'm O.K Now Date: 12/02/00 Updated by: Maniac
O.K, I've sorted my P.C out now and because of all of the tweaking I've done, it's running a lot faster. I have quite a bit of news for you all. First of all, on the files page I have uploaded a new map named "Storage" for you all. Secondly, down the left hand side you'll see ANOTHER link to a mod link database for Half-life, so please check it out. This weekend, I will be uploading the "Maniac mod" for Half-Life which features the Jumbot. I made it because I wanted to learn more about the Half-Life engine (Because I already know quite a bit about the q2 engine, and Half-life uses the q2 engine). It came out so professional I decided to polish it up and release it to the public... Some of the things that I've learnt from doing this will be in the next Sven Co-op release. Lastly, I will be uploading my Action Half-Life tribute site. It will be like CS Nation is for CS, but will have more than just things for Action Half-Life - for example, I have written a tutorial on there which will help you all to get a better ping in Half-Life and faster download speeds.

P.S I've been mixing my own music lately and have made 5 dance tracks. I'm aiming for 10 and then I will release my album free-of-charge in MP3 form on the internet. Just a side note, but some of the songs are wicked, even if I do say so myself.

UPDATE: I can't access the fileplanet mirrors to upload the map, so I'll try and sort that out later today.



Oh Crap... Date: 09/02/00 Updated by: Maniac
Well, about every couple of months I screw my P.C up which requires me having to format my hard drives and start all over again, and here comes that time once again, right on schedule. I'll update the site when I've got my P.C running perfectly again, which hopefully (Fingers crossed) will be by tomorrow night. Just thought I'd let you guys know, but please leave me mail in my inbox and I'll get back to you ASAP... I should have the basics running by tonight.



New Maps Date: 07/02/00 Updated by: Maniac
I have 4 new maps for you all. Go to the files section to snag them. 3 of the maps are from an upcoming map pack made by Sobek so please check his site out.

P.S I've also uploaded the Operation Retribution skins.



Top 100 Date: 06/02/00 Updated by: Maniac
As you can see down the left hand side, this site if now in the Neo rift top 100 because Sheep cow (Who gave us the mod of the millennium award) has started this new site up. Check it out.



Mod Of The Millenium! Date: 05/02/00 Updated by: Maniac
I've had to take Gib Factory off the map page, because I didn't realize it was a scientist killing map - WTF? Is it just me or is that REALLY BORING!? Anyway, I have 2 pieces pf real news for you all. Firstly, we have been given the AWARD for mod of the Millennium. The picture is down the left hand side of this page, so please go and check there cool site out.

Deathdog, Mad Jon and Kune have a new map called Torture to satisfy your monster fragging delights, which will be out sometime next week.

I have also archived the news once again, this page was getting really cluttered.

P.S I've updated the information link down the left hand side, and gamespy are once again having difficulties... They re-uploaded an old version of the site, which still had an old design and old Xmas images on it. I had to re-upload the WHOLE site AGAIN!



Help Us! Date: 30/01/00 Updated by: Maniac
I've just looked at the poll, and we're on 272, and day of defeat are on 276! We can't be doing with that! Please, everyone here go to this poll - we need your votes. It won't cost you anything, and we've worked very hard on Sven Co-op! Help us out!



New Map Date: 28/01/00 Updated by: Maniac
There's a new map up for all of you lucky people. Go to the files section to grab it.



Sven Co-op Server Date: 27/01/00 Updated by: Maniac
I'd just like to let you guys know that there's a Sven Co-op Server running at so check it out!



Mod Of The Week! Date: 26/01/00 Updated by: Maniac
As the title says, those great folks over at Planet Half-Life have made us mod of the week - for the second time! A big goes out to them, thanks guys!



New map Pack On The Way Date: 24/01/00 Updated by: Maniac
I got a message from Mad dawg for you all:

This is a new map-pack produced by the mapping team on a new project for sven co-op headed by Light_dud. It will feature conversions of popular Sven Co-op maps to show the seasonal mood and to relate to Eastern Americans.

Converted Stadium To Snow

Also, we still need YOU to keep voting for the Sven co-op mod, so please do so here.



Deathdog Needs Help Date: 22/01/00 Updated by: Maniac
Deathdog, a sven co-op mapper, needs some help. Basically, he wants people to help him out:

Deathdog is looking for mappers who have experience mapping and are good all rounders. He needs help on several maps that he is working on and would like to make a lot more. Two new maps are coming out soon!

Well there you have it, so please mail him if you can help.

Also, we still need YOU to keep voting for the Sven co-op mod, so please do so here.



I Need HELP Date: 16/01/00 Updated by: Maniac
Well, me and the team have given you a lot now, and now we'd like something back. We'd like for you all to vote for Sven Co-op on a poll here, so please do so.



Another New Map Date: 15/01/00 Updated by: Maniac
ANOTHER new map for you all, we're good to you, aren't we? Anyway, this one is done by Deathdog for all you're cooperative fragging pleasures... I got a mail off Sven Viking with it on, please send me all the maps, otherwise it has to go through 2 people before it reaches the site. Get it here, it's called Storage. If any of you want to make maps, please do so and send them in, check this out first. Sven also sends word that Sven Co-op 1.3 will be on the PC Gamer CD for Argentina (February). Going out tonight? You ALL should, and enjoy yourselves... keep happy



New Map Date: 14/01/00 Updated by: Maniac
Work started a while ago on Sven Co-op 1.4 - I'm doing my part :) Some of Light_dud's guys have organised a competition for Sven Co-op map makers, so if you're interested, get the file here. I thought Friday would never come around, and now it's here... GREAT! I wish you all a great weekend, and if you have any questions, mail me as I don't think Sven really needs mail at this time (His computer is still screwed).



New Map Date: 12/01/00 Updated by: Maniac
The Gamespy network was down over the last few days - faster servers, YAY! Anyway, there's a new converted map available for download called Barney Beach, which is converted from the War In Europe mod.It's only Tuesday and I already long for Friday, I miss the holidays... *sigh*. Ah well, I haven't heard from how Sven is getting on but his computer was pretty messed the last I heard. He will be back, no worries.



Link Fixed Date: 07/01/00 Updated by: Maniac
Nightmare single player link fixed. sorry... Friday! No school til Monday! Enjoy the weekend gang, go out and party! BTW I've just started making my own dance music if anyone's interested! I may upload it sometime.



New Maps Date: 06/01/00 Updated by: Maniac
Hey. Sven Viking sent me 5 new maps to post up for Sven Co-op, so if you'd like to check them out, head over to the files page. He recommends the cooperative version of the nightmare map - I haven't had chance to check them out yet. I did homework for about 3 hours yesterday, and have been doing Business Studies tonight... I only went back to school today! Anyway, tomorrow is Friday, so everyone get ready to party!



Major Clean Out Date: 04/01/00 Updated by: Maniac
Well Sven Viking has granted me the pleasure of cleaning out the site so that all of the banners work, the hyperlink rollovers work, and so that generally the site looks a lot better - and that's exactly what I've done. I hope you all like the "new" look, and I've also added more graphics for your viewing pleasure :) Anyway, when a person on the Co-op team wants to update now it should be a LOT easier because before it was SO messy. Sven will be back up and running with his computer in no time, so stay posted.

