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October 2005

Resident Evil Outbreak 1 Map Release Party
30 October, 2005 | by Sniper

Tonight, this Halloween, to commemorate the first anniversary of the map "RECO" and the map "RE1", Mrfranswa and his team are hosting a release party for his latest map called "REO1" or "Resident Evil Outbreak 1". The party is at 8PM Eastern Standard Time, in the official Sven Co-op IRC channel. Download links for this map will be announced there.


From what I've seen of the map, it looks very impressive indeed. It shows off a lot of things you can do with Sven Co-op v3.0, and it will sure be a blast to play!

So head on over right now and get ready!
IRC Channel: irc.gamesurge.net #svencoop



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