include "../sitenav.txt";
$num = rand(1,3);
include ('../banners'.$num.'.txt');
 Hi all! Sorry about disappearing again... a couple of days after I wrote the last update, my computer stopped working :(. It's always something :/.
 Got it back now, anyway, and everything seems to be working well... even managed to arrange a bit of an upgrade at the same time, so it's not so bad.
Anyway, luckily for us all, Jonesy and the rest of the team did what they could to keep progress on the mod steady while I was gone, and as a result, a lot has been done. There should be some surprises for you all once the next version's released :). There're still some important problems, unfortunately... sfx_t is still around :/, but it shouldn't be too long before we can arrange something.
Thanks to Sniper for making up the great new site design! Have a look around if you have time... there's some new information/etc., now. Most of the news that was missed while I was gone, as well as details on the site changes, is summarized in Mad Jonesy's news post, by the way -- Be sure to scroll down and have a look at that.
Oh yeah, and P.S.: Seems that E-mail addresses aren't accepting any E-mails from Hotmail accounts, at the moment. Not sure of how this happened, I'll ask Smidge about it... For now, anyone using Hotmail can instead contact me at
-Sven Viking
Better, new-look site. Worse, new-look news updates 17 February, 2002 | by Mad Jonesy |
First off, welcome to the new site design, Sniper, our resident site monkey, has earned his fair share of peanuts this month by whipping out this baby for your browsing pleasure.
Most of the site is now done in php, I really don't have a clue how it works and sniper can't be bothered to explain it to me, so I'll just say it makes updating the page a lot easier, therefore most of the site content has been easily and quickly updated to reflect 2.0.
Make sure you check out the entity guide if you're a mapper, it lists most of the new or updated entities in 2.0. You're sure to find something you didn't know about 2.0 entities, so it should be your first stop. Expect more updated information for mappers at a later date.
The media section has also been updated big-time, make sure you check out the map screenshots and monster information page, a lot of love has gone into those two pages.
Another update is the links page, but there are a couple of new sites covering Sven Co-op that deserve some hits.
The first is Sven Co-op at Its in German, but if you fire up Babelfish or speak German then you're going to find it a useful resource.
The next is Basic Bee Dot Com. The spawn of forum regular, Basicbee and other community contributors, the site pulls off a decent layout and with plenty of unique content to come, should be a mecca for Sven Co-op fans. Still under construction but worth a look.
Other sites worth a mention include:
Creeps Sven Co-op - A informative fan site.
Houndeye Mapping - Download Infiltrate, not perfect but still a great map.
If you don't regularly visit the Official Forums You're probably at this point thinking 'Who is this guy and what the hell has he done with Sven?!' with good reason. I've been with the mod for around three years and on the actual mod team for just over two. I've got a few maps (well, one) in 2.0 and I made the 'Golden Oldies' Helebat series just over a year ago. I'm probably better known on the forums as the "scary" administrator.
As for why I'm doing the news update, Snipers done enough work and Sven is facing coming back to two months of news to post when he stops working obscene work hours. So I thought I'd help him out, as well as putting up the new site. Hopefully me putting up these goddamn awful news updates will encourage Sven to wrestle Newspro from my grasp and find time to start updating the site again.
I may be posting future news updates, but considering the quality of this one, more than likely not. Enjoy the new content!