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Hezus and the SC Beta Test Team recently got together and created an impressive teaser trailer for Sven Co-op 3.5!
 You can download the video from FileFront. There's also a higher-res version here, but it's sort of pixellated... probably easier to zoom in on the smaller video. Thanks to Skyrider for the mirrors! Edit: If you're having any trouble with FileFront, the video is also available on YouTube.
By the way, fans of Blevo's Cyborg track might also be vaguely interested in this sort of music video thing I made for an assignment a while back. There's also a low-quality YouTube version if you don't want to waste the bandwidth. There were a lot of restrictions on the project (all new material to be created within Final Cut, etc.), so don't expect much.
If all goes well, we might have some more content for you soon. ish. (possibly). Sorry about the slow progress :/.
P.S. - Click Here for a sneak peek at the 'Making Of the 3.5 Teaser Trailer' featurette to be included exclusively with the Collector's Limited Ultra Edition: Platinum version of Sven Co-op 3.5.
