Sven Co-op v4.0 has been out for about 2 months, and so far it's been a blast to play with the community. Thanks to everyone out there that waited for us to get back on the saddle. There's a lot of changes in v4.0 that no one really knows about except for myself and a handful of other team members. We'll be compiling the changelog in the coming future once we've figured it all out. v4.1 is currently in development, and it's target goals (currently) are implementing a new network interface for 4.0's sound system. There will also be bug fixes, new and updated maps, and some model changes. Fret not, as we will be releasing something relatively soon. We're going to be focusing on faster release schedules from here on out.
My apologies for being out of the picture the last month or so. I recently moved into a new job as a PHP programmer (as Sven Viking mentioned previously) It's sucked up a lot of my spare time.
Have a great weekend!