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Happy Birthday Sven!! 12 April, 2002 | by Mad Jonesy |
Sven usually informs everyone about his own Birthday on the news a few days after, but I thought I'd beat him to it this year for once. 
If you want to give your regards to Sven, post on this topic on the forum: Sven's B'day Thread
He'd more than likely prefer Gold, Jewels, or a generous paypal donation (*hint* *hint*) than a forum post from a few dozen forum spammer, but its the thought that counts. All our regards Sven.
As if that wasn't enough to celebrate, work on 2.0 final has been speeding along at a frantic pace. A large number of bugs have been knocked out of the code, and Nivekdev has done a lot of work to stabilise the game. Hopefully 2.0 final shouldn't be a million miles away and should be hopefully uncrashable.
We've also been playing a number of new maps recently in large closed tests. Sven Co-op 2.0 final will contain a massive 25 maps, six more than 2.0 beta. On top of that, six 2.0 beta maps will be updated, some of them having a major overhaul, like Megamonstermassacre and Grunts2. We invited along a few people from Creeps Sven Co-op and Mutant wrote a great preview of five maps that will be turning up in 2.0 final, along with a few screenshots. Read about them here: 2.0 Final Map Preview.
Creeps Sven Co-op currently has ten map reviews and is working on building up the number. Considering the quality and frequency of the reviews, its more than worth keeping your eye on the site for updates.
Hangar 16 has also updated their Sven Co-op section to include a server and detailed map list. They will be expanding their SC content in the near-future and are taking part in the map playtests, so expect 2.0 final related-content soon.
P.S. Enjoy the screenshots:

MegaMonsterMassacre (you're going to have to wait till later to see the new monsters)

Hi all! Just got back from Cuba... Too tired from the swimming and all to write out the tale of my daring escape, just now, but I'll see if I can manage it tomorrow.
The short of it, though, is that a monetary ransom was avoided, and I managed to make back the exact amount of money I used to bribe the gameshow host --- so the corporate sponsorship-related features mentioned in the previous post have been scrapped (even the web-cam-girl bots)!
The main news while I was away is:
- With help from Radium, Sniper figured out what was causing some pages to load improperly in some browsers! So if the Files or Mirrors pages didn't work for you before, they should now (remember to hit Refresh/Reload). Woohoo!
- Mad Jonesy was interviewed on Creep's SvenCo-op... it's a really good interview, too! Just one thing: Since the interview, we've found that it may be harder to add voice communication than we'd previously thought, so at this point, we're not sure of whether it'll be in 2.0 Final or not. We'll see how things go.
- THIS JUST IN: Creeps SvenCo-op has just posted a second interview... this time with MysticMDT (maker of Project Guilty for SvenCo-op). Creep's site looks to have a lot of potential...
- The virus that had afflicted the mail server seems to have been dealt with. It's not sending out random infected E-mails anymore, anyway.
- Valve released a new version of Worldcraft, mostly to fix bugs... funny thing is, they're now calling it Valve Hammer Editor. Yes, I thought this was an April Fools joke too... but apparently they're dead serious :/. Anyway, though, the update itself seems pretty good -- go to the Valve ERC for more information.
- You should have seen this already, but just in case: 2.0 Map Pack 2 was released, with several brand new maps. Get it from the Files page.