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Sorry about the lack of any content release, but Jerig's been pretty busy, and so the Linux port isn't ready... and (GIT)r-man and I have been pretty busy, so the 2.1 Map Pack isn't ready. It's my birthday tomorrow, so as an alternative to the usual sending of gold, jewels, furs, and convertible bonds, perhaps you could just refrain from complaining :).Sniper has some free time this weekend, by the way, and intends to have the ToDo list halved within a short time.

Content Release 5: Creepsworld Map Pack 3 April, 2003 | by Sven Viking |
First of all: If you missed the April Fools Day prank, it's below. If you didn't miss it, and fell for it, it was a joke :) - there is no SC Insider. See below for details. By the way, something a few people didn't realize is that there was a real content release in there, along with the jokes... if you haven't already, scroll down and check the information on the five genuine SvenCo-op MP3 tracks (The Ballad of SvenCo-op exists, but is a joke).
This update's content release is the Creepsworld Map Pack (thanks to (GIT)r-man for putting it together!). The selection of maps is based on Creepsworld's Top 50 SvenCo-op Maps project, in which players voted for their favourite maps and those maps were added to a ranking. Our Creepsworld Map Pack contains all the Top 50 maps that were not already included with official map packs or the mod installer itself. These maps are:  | Delta Return by TheRealGame, in which the players return to the Delta Research Facility in order to rescue their project leader. |  | Gitfest4 by (GIT)r-man, a huge urban map which pushes the boundaries of the Half-Life engine to its limits (without causing low framerates), and makes heavy use of random elements. |  | LabFlee by eMTeG, in which the players attempt to flee from a lab. Features semi-realistic damage, and enjoyable blasting. |  | Leprechaun Trilogy by Penguin, an epic adventure set in an alternate-universe Ireland. Makes good use of model-replacement, friendly monsters, and in-game plot. Includes more than one ending. Think SvenCoopRPG2, but considerably larger. |  | Never by BMTwigzta, a surreal, mind-warping map, commonly thought to be the best Xen map ever made for SvenCo-op. The players take the part of Black Mesa personnel who are lost in Xen, and begin to doubt their sanity. |  | OMG by Turrican, a sort of cross between a huge, cruel, surreal puzzle, and a huge, cruel, surreal trap. Includes many, many ways to die. |  | SpaceViking2 by Salamander, a huge map in which the crew of the Space Viking become involved in in a large conflict when space pirates attack the Hengia space port. Good use of model-replacement and puzzles, excellent use of map layout and in-game plot. |  | SubwayTrain by Dutchtux, set around the train area of the Black Mesa Research Facility. The players must escape to a rescue Osprey as quickly as possible. Got to love those Scientists With Guns :). |  | Sledge by Turrican, in which, it seems, the players need to make their way into a base where strange genetic experiments are being carried out. Makes good use of model-replacement. |  | Tower Series by Larry, a series of five maps in which the players parachute onto the top of a high-rise building and need to make their way down the levels to the computer room. Think Die Hard on a grand scale :)... there's a twist part-way through, however. |  | Why by TheRealGame, a large, very well-made map in which the players are Black Mesa scientists, held in an unknown section of the facility for opposing the experiments being carried out. |
Many of these have been updated specially, so even if you already have them all, you'll still need to download this map pack. Mirrors: 
There's some information on 2.5's new floating-corpse features in This Forum Thread. They work in with MADWHACK pretty well :)... you can blast a monster off a cliff into some water, and it'll sink a bit, then float to the surface, etc.

April Fools Day Aftermath 2 April, 2003 | by Sven Viking |
Just posting this update in case anyone hasn't figured out that SvenCo-op Insider was an April Fools Day joke :). All features mentioned were bogus... there're no subscriber-only monsters, MP3 player that picks up radio signals, or nuke launcher that crashes your computer. If you haven't already, go to the SC Insider site and attempt to purchase a Gold or Platinum pass :). The original idea and the majority of the text for the joke was by Commando. Mad Jonesy wrote the satisfied customer quotes and some other sections, I wrote whatever was left/made the screenshots up in Paint Shop Pro (except for the nuke launcher before and after shots, which were by Commando), and generally set up the web pages... oh yeah, and the non-subscriber SC manual :). Very few people were fooled permanently, which was the intention. If anyone wonders why we put the joke up 'early', it was actually a bit late where I am (New Zealand). If anyone wonders why we left it up for two days, we were practicing the Scottish version of the holiday ;). And some news sites posted the news a bit late, so there were still new people coming. Those who haven't already may want to check the SC Insider forum thread... some pretty funny stuff went on in there :). Also, if you missed it or just want to look at it again, click here for last year's prank. As far as The Ballad of SvenCo-op goes: It's actually the Bernard Cribbins classic, "Right Said Fred". I used a text-to-voice engine to make some "Sven" and "Jonesy" clips, and edited them in with Goldwave, along with some sound effects. Here are the lyrics, by the way. Now you too can sing along! ;). The other five MP3s are genuine. If all goes well, Content Release 5 should be up sometime tomorrow.
