EDIT: Contest cancelled. Happy April Fools day ;)
In our last post, we've concluded the Mapping Contest and handed out prizes to the best Sven Co-op mappers out there. To be fair, we want to start another contest where everyone is able compete and be creative! We present to you:
The Sven Co-op Meet&Greet™ Contest!
That's right. This is your chance to meet up with the infamous development team of your favourite mod!* What would you ask Sven if you saw him in real-life, which features would you request from Sniper and wouldn't you love to share a beer with the forum admins Hezus and Nih? Well, this is your chance! All you need to do is be creative!*
For our Meet&Greet™ contest, we've chosen the following theme:
"Bring Half-Life to Real-Life!"
How does it work? Your task is to bring an element of Half-Life/Sven Co-op's universe to real life. Take a picture of your toilet and edit a headcrab in there, let a voltigore run through your back garden, release a pack of houndeyes in your school, hold a crowbar, dress up like one of your favorite characters or create a medkit out of cardbord. You can also turn the contest around and put yourself in the Half-life universe! Photoshop yourself into a Sven Co-op map, let yourself rappel down from an osprey, dance with the gonomes... in other words: Take a picture of yourself or your area and start editing!

The best, funniest and most clever entry will win the awesome Meet & Greet with the Sven Co-op Team at an as-yet unknown location!*
To sign up read THIS PAGE and from us all at Sven Co-op: good luck and we'll hope to meet you soon in Real-Life!
* Conditions apply.