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We regret to inform you all that there will be no release of a DLC-based version of Sven Co-op. Our DLC packs should have been online by April 1st, but when they were not showing up, we emailed Gabe Newell from Valve Software and received the following reply: From: Gabe Newell (Valve Software) To: Sven Co-op Staff Subject: Re:Sven Co-op DLC's Hahahaha APRIL FOOLS! Wish I could have seen your faces, lol! Come on.. you guys didn't seriously think we would let you make that much money off a mod based on our work? I mean, SC is fun and all that, but Half-Life is ours, you know... I mean, I'm aware that you guys need to pay for company cars and expensive trips, but I got my eye on this new yacht that I'm just dying to have, so yeah.. You guys are in this industry as well, you know what it's like.. Now I gotta go golfing with EA's CEO.. yes, they were in on this too, lol! We're going to have such a laugh.. Tata! Gabe There you have it. We were victim of a crude April Fools prank. It seems the plans for DLC's are officially cancelled, so Sven Co-op will remain completely free as it was before. Stay tuned for more free updates in the near future!

For the past 13 years we have worked very hard to make Sven Co-op the foremost enjoyable free gaming experience. However, with the decline of the Half-Life community and the rising costs of webhosting, as well as the continued bleak outlook of the economic climate, we have been forced to make some critical decisions to ensure the long-term future of Sven Co-op as a free Half-Life mod.
We would love to continue developing Sven Co-op for another decade, so we will be introducing the latest gaming industry model to our own mod: Downloadable Content (DLC)! This is a model that has long been enjoyed by luminary industry leaders such as Electronic Arts. The base version of Sven Co-op will of course remain completely free of charge, but for a small fee you can have more of the Sven Co-op experience! Our unique content will be purchasable through the Steam Store!
 As you can see, you will be able to buy unique Weapon Packs, including the SAW, UZIs*, Sniper Rifle, and of course our lord of destruction: the Minigun! Monsters can be added to the game by buying one of our Monster Packs, such as our Xen Overlord, Tor, and the adorable Baby Garg! Beware! If you do not own one of the monsters, the monsters will appear invisible, and your bullets will go straight through them - but they will still be able to attack you! This makes your co-operation with other team members who have the monster DLCs even more critical!
Another feature we will be adding is Unlockable Map Areas. For a small fee, you will be able to unlock parts of maps crucial to finishing the mission! More than ever before, teamwork will be essential to win maps as your teammates who do not have access to the grand finale of the map are separated from your squad! Get your teammates to buy the Map DLC and you'll be able to experience co-operative play like you have never seen before! Don't have access to Area 2 of Osprey? Get someone who does!
Our extensive single player campaigns will also be available as DLC in the near future, so keep an eye out for the upcoming update. Because we care about our players, we will also throw in a free limited edition version of our Blue-Shift conversion pack when you buy the Half-Life and the Opposing Force packs!***
We’re sure all players will be excited about these changes and will support our development by purchasing our new DLC! Available from the Steam Store as of April 1st!
* Please note that all donors will lose their golden Uzis and electric crowbars** from the next version of Sven Co-op. In order to access them again, please purchase their respective DLC. ** Please note that in order to access the electric crowbar DLC, you will need to purchase the crowbar DLC. *** Note: all boss monsters will still need to be purchased through an additional DLC pack.
What people are saying about Sven Co-op DLC: The Sven Co-op Team have shown real vision and acumen to come up with this solution to their capital raising issues. This has convinced me that we should focus on more mini DLC packs, rather than releasing full games. Switching to this strategy may result in further irrecoverable delays to future titles such as Half-Life 3, but we think it's worth it. -Gabe Newell
As a champion for customer service in the video game industry, we are both pleased and excited that the Sven Co-op team have followed our lead in releasing DLC - or, as we call them, 'value' - packs. We encourage them to look more closely at their profit margins and see whether there is more content they can strip out innovate into DLC. -Electronic Arts
