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» News Archive:


May 2009

Sven Co-op 4.07 Released!
15 May, 2009 | by Sven Viking


Sven Co-op 4.07 is here! Note that this update also includes all changes from last week's hotfix releases.


- Numerous improvements to Half-Life SP storyline support
- Added a work-around for a trigger_teleport crash bug
- Reduced default model precache usage
- Revived allies retain the correct head and skin colour
- Fixed a rare Gargbite issue where player could become stuck
- Dropammo support added/fixed for some weapons
- Melee weapons make correct sounds when hitting metal allies
- Fixed a skill.cfg issue
- Skill.cfg settings added for: Stukabat, Osprey, Black Ops Osprey, Tentacle
- Updated the Sven Co-op FGD file (for mappers)
- Player model options added to the Commandmenu
- Updates to manual and *server_example.cfg files
- Minor fix to server options
- Minor model fixes for Uzis and sc_royals
- Fixed an issue on escape_series.bsp (portal map)
- Solved Ripent missing dll errors on some systems(?)
- Included latest donation bonus Steam ID list

- Added monster_op4loader.
- Added opengl mode for env_fog to support Steam Half-Life.
- Added new command: cl_stopsound -- Works just like the stopsound command from Half-Life, but for the Sven Co-op sound engine.
- Updated FMOD Ex to v4.24 for the new sound engine.
- Flesh Gibs now properly float.
- Gargantuas no longer eat turrets or snarks.
- Removed console command that crashed servers.
- Some potential crash bugs were fixed for animation code w/ controllers, and the multisource entity's use function.
- Fixed Babygarg crash bug when being killed by a Gargantua's explosion.
- Minor tweak for minigun, fixed crash bug with rendering code.
- Crash fix for world-lit particle system objects.
- Fixed minor issue with the new donor feature spawning in walls.
- Specified shocktrooper's eye position to a static value to fix some model issues.
- Minor sound engine fixes for sound output.
- Minor tweak to Tor's speaking function.
- Minor client-side reloading tweak.

Sven Co-op v4.07 Update Install - File Download Mirrors:

File size: 6.7MB

Note: This is an update, not a full installer. You must already have Sven Co-op version 4.x installed (e.g. 4.0B or 4.06).

Next up is Sven Co-op v4.1, which is set to solve reconnection issues and add some new content. Stay tuned for progress updates (assuming we have time for them). Some team members were also discussing a possible SC mapping contest, so keep an eye out for that as well.


I'm selling these fine leather jackets...
14 May, 2009 | by Sven Viking


Barring a disaster, 4.07 should be out within 24 hours. In the meantime:

Telltale Games is having a sale on Steam. If you're a fan of point-and-click adventure games you probably already know, but Telltale is probably the best hope for the genre at the moment, so just thought I'd mention. (Alternately, Wallace & Gromit etc. from their site at $5/episode with coupon: SGP-ER4-WJF-XYM )

I guess everyone's already seen this and this? Probably not this, though... it's super weird. Sort of reminds me of Adventure Time. Mathematical!

Spelunky -- sort of a cross between Rick Dangerous and Nethack? -- is excellent. It's also merciless, frustrating and addictive. You have been warned.


SC Update Coming Soon! 4.0's Secret Bonus Feature Revealed!
10 May, 2009 | by Sven Viking


In breach of various natural laws, yet another Sven Co-op update -- 4.07 -- is coming in just a few days' time! Planned for release on Friday, the 15th, this patch will include fixes for a couple of issues from 4.06, some general tweaks/improvements, and also the latest donor list (recent donors will receive their bonus features in this update).

Since a fair amount of time has passed since the release, this seems like a good time to publicly reveal the secret donor reward that was added in SC4.0B! Remember to hit the HQ button for higher video quality.

Once 'summoned' (you should be able to figure out how from the video), your personally-named Chumtoad will follow you about and attack enemies by expelling a poisonous cloud of gas. While the cloud is active, it also obstructs enemies' vision, reducing the accuracy of their ranged attacks. Chumtoads normally start with 100 health, and are particularly effective against zombies.

There are still about seven recent donors who we don't have valid Steam IDs for, by the way. If you donated after the Sven Co-op 4.0B release and have not received an e-mail specifically saying your Steam ID has been added, please go to this page and follow the instructions.

Anyone donating now should include their Steam ID with the donation for the best chance of getting the bonus features in 4.07. Anything after Wednesday night can't be guaranteed (until 4.1). IMPORTANT: Steam IDs are different from your Steam username, they look like this: "STEAM_0:1:23456". See this page for details.


Sven Co-op v4.06 Hot Fix Patch Released
5 May, 2009 | by Sniper


Edit: v4.05 had to be pulled. An incorrect version of the FMODEx api was included in the project. If you downloaded v4.05, please download the updated v4.06 Hot Fix file.

Download links are now available. This release fixes several security exploits. For a full changelog, please view the previous news post.

Sven Co-op v4.06 Hot Fix Installer - File Download Mirrors

File size: 1.8mb

Note: Both players and server administrators must install this file. This is a required update.


v4.05 Hot Fix To Be Released Tonight
5 May, 2009 | by Sniper


Please stand by as we finish wrapping up this release. Upon being alerted of some exploit / crash issues, the v4.1 patch was pushed even further ahead and is now known as v4.05.

Please note, this release version will not include the sound engine fix to be released with v4.1.

Here are some changes:

- Fixed minor issue with the new donor feature spawning in walls.
- Some potential crash bugs were fixed for animation code w/ controllers, and the multisource entity's use function.
- Minor tweak for minigun, fixed crash bug with rendering code.
- Specified shocktrooper's eye position to a static value to fix some model issues.
- Minor tweak to Tor's speaking function.
- Fixed Babygarg crash bug when being killed by a Gargantua's explosion.
- Flesh Gibs now properly float.
- Minor sound engine fixes for sound output.
- Updated FMOD Ex to v4.24 for the new sound engine.
- Crash fix for world-lit particle system objects.
- Gargantuas no longer eat turrets or snarks.
- Added monster_op4loader.
- Minor client-side reloading tweak.
- Removed console command that crashed servers.
- Added opengl mode for env_fog to support Steam Half-Life.
- Added new command: cl_stopsound - Works just like the stopsound command from Half-Life, but works for the Sven Co-op sound engine.

Release links will be first available in our IRC Channel. #svencoop


Exciting News (sarcasm)
4 May, 2009 | by Sniper


Just figured I'd post an update. Still alive and kicking. I've recently been overwhelmed with projects at the company I work at for PHP / MySQL development.

Due to time constraints, all focus has now shifted to the new file transfer addon in development for v4.1. The goal is to handle sending the sound engine resources by ourselves, rather than relying on the Half-Life engine. Once that happens, the server-reconnection issues players have experienced will be resolved.

Servers including auto_soundlist.txt in the custom resource download list, disabling downloading, and a few other setting changes have resulted in the problem being widespread. In general, a clean/vanilla Sven Co-op server install should operate fine.

We'll be releasing updates as time permits. I apologize for the delay.



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