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 We've been receiving a lot of entries for our logo competition -- judging is going to be difficult! Some people have been posting their entries in the comments thread, so have a look if you're interested. If you hadn't heard about the contest yet, see the previous news post for information and prize details. Entries end on the 27th of August.
In the meantime, here's a hint at a sub-project we've been working on that should be released along with SC4.0 (see right). The skin was created for us by past team member Teddy Bergsman Lind. After working on Sven Co-op, Teddy moved into professional game development with Black Widow Games, and is now working on two top titles including Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena.
Something I should have mentioned some time ago is the Sven Co-op Map Database. Functioning as a Wiki, the site is attempting to catalogue the hundreds of available Sven Co-op maps; complete with screenshots, download links, and information for each.
Through a community effort, SC Map DB provides a centralized resource where players can easily find Sven Co-op maps. In doing this, we hope to honor all the hard work and imagination mappers devote to providing us with fun worlds to play in.
We began in March 2008 with very little content, but have already come a long way thanks to the community's help! We aren't done yet, however. Our goal is to make accessible every Sven Co-op map ever made. See their Contribute page to learn how you can improve this great community resource!

With Sven Co-op 4.0 development finally nearing completion, we're going to be posting news more frequently to keep you updated on our progress. We had been intending to start off with a brand new SC4 trailer, but perhaps we'll try something a bit different before that: A logo competition, with the winning logo to be used in the trailer itself!![also prizes]
The logo we want is actually for the Sven Co-op team rather than the game itself. It should (legibly) read "Sven Co-op Team", using the same capitalization (unless all capitals), with a hyphen in 'Co-op'. For example:

(The text doesn't need to be all on one line, of course). I'd also consider "SC Team" if you had a good design for it.
The prize is your choice of Steam games up to the value of US$50.00 (which pretty-much covers any game in their library).
Details:- Send entries to, including your name and e-mail address.
- The competition ends on the 27th of August (about two weeks from the time of posting).
- You can submit as many different images as you want.
- Anyone can enter except those wanting to sue us for infringing on their trademarks, above. They can't.
- Please work in a high resolution and save to a non-lossy format (e.g. .PSD), but just send medium-sized JPEGs in your e-mail to keep things small, and we'll request the original files if we need them. Preferably all your entries shouldn't take up more than 2MB.
- Logos can be as simple or as complex as you want, and in any style -- though of course, something that doesn't clash with Sven Co-op's usual colour scheme is probably more likely to be selected.
- Obviously you agree to let us use the logo freely.
- If you haven't donated, and want to put part of your prize towards the donor bonus features, you're welcome to do so ;).
- Prizes will be given using Steam's Gift system. Note that some games may not be available to all regions.
- The above logo examples are jokes -- please don't submit anything that will actually get us sued.
- If you have any questions, send them to me at
Check back later for the results. Also: If 2D art isn't your thing, don't worry -- we're planning to hold more contests in the near future.
Many thanks to Andy Nemer of ParanormaL Games, who has been working with us over the last few months setting up infrastructure which has really helped to speed up development! He has recently moved on to other things -- Farewell to him, and best wishes for future projects!
Thanks also to Trinity Gaming, who have been providing us with development and test servers! Cynu has been especially helpful in getting us set up and working with us to solve various problems. If you're looking to hire a game or voice server, be sure check out :).
