include "../sitenav.txt";
$num = rand(1,3);
include ('../banners'.$num.'.txt');
Mapping Competition ends tomorrow! 29 September, 2009 | by Hezus |
When you're reading this the deadline for submitting your maps for the mapping competition is only 24 hours away. All entries have to be submitted on the 30th of September. As mentioned before, there a some excellent prizes to win in this contest, so wrap up your map, compile it and send it over to with your name, forum & Steam username and any other methods of contact. After tomorrow, we'll begin to test all maps and choose the three contest winners! Stay tuned.
Edit by Sven: Preferably pack your files into a ZIP or RAR archive, upload it somewhere (see this page for options), and include the URL (web address) in your e-mail rather than attaching the actual files. If you have difficulties, though, it'd be better to send your map as an attachment than to miss the deadline.

As explained in Keen's post, below, the mapping contest has been extended until the 30th of September. We won't be able to do this a second time, so I suggest that you attempt to complete and submit your maps as soon as possible. If you plan to have things finished at the last moment, some unforeseen issue will likely cause you to miss the deadline -- that's the way things usually seem to go, at least. Also remember that it's better to submit something with bugs than nothing at all; if the other elements are strong enough, you'll still have a chance at winning.
I realise this change may annoy those who did have their maps set to submit before the original date, and I'm sorry for that. A majority of entrants seemed to be having trouble, though, and considering how Sven Co-op releases occasionally take a tiny bit longer than we ourselves initially intend ;), it seemed hypocritical for us to be too inflexible on the deadline. If we can think of something suitable, we might arrange some minor bonus or reward for those who do have their maps in before the 9th.
On a related subject: We've been considering what design would be best for the T-shirts to be given as mapping contest prizes. Check out this thread for details, and give an opinion if you have one.
In other news, the Sven Co-op 4.07 Credits page has just been updated. If you see anything wrong or missing, it's not intentional; most of it was written from memory. Please contact me if you notice mistakes, or if you're listed and would like your name to link to something.
And, finally, here are some more random images (and two videos) from the 'Show Off Your Progress!' mapping contest thread:

\/ Remember to check Keen's post, below! \/

Mapping Contest has been extended to the end of September 4 September, 2009 | by CryoKeen |
Hi, Keen here, just giving anyone who has been working on the mapping contest a heads up that we will be extending the mapping contest to the end of the month.
We have decided to give you folks a few extra weeks because a lot of you seem to be having some trouble wrapping up your maps, fixing bugs, and may have needed some extra time due to school or other unforeseen consequences. If you have any issues with your map, please make a post in this thread. Otherwise if you have any other questions about the contest, want to check out some screenshots of other peoples work so far, or have any other questions or comments, please don't hesitate to check out or post a thread in the official contest forum.
So all entries are no longer due by September 9th, but will be due by:
September 30, 2009
This is the only time we will be extending the deadline.
If you still think you won't have enough time to complete your project by yourself, you are allowed to team up with other people to seek additional assistance if you wish. Those who have already submitted entries are of course free to make alterations and re-submit before the 30th.
