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 Single Player Maps List::

  Map List:

Below is a list of all the Half-Life single-player maps, in their correct order. The list was written by Brian Weir.


On map c1a2 "Office Complex" You spawn in the elevator. But the doors won't open. ALL the player has to do is move to the RIGHT side of the elevator and +use like he was pushing the button on the left.
This will activate the button on the other side of the door. If they don't know this everyone who uses c1a2 will be stuck. Once the doors open they stay open so you only have to do it once.


Half-Life Map List:
Listed in order of Gameplay. (Not alphabetical).

1. c0a0 “Begin Train Ride”
2. c0a0a
3. c0a0b
4. c0a0c
5. c0a0d
6. c0a0e
7. c1a0 “Anomalous Materials”
8. c1a0d
9. c1a0a
10. c1a0b
11. c1a0e
12. c1a0c “Unforeseen Consequences”
13. c1a1 Find Crowbar
14. c1a1a
15. c1a1f
16. c1a1b Find Grenades
17. c1a1c
18. c1a1d
19. c1a2 “Office Complex” (see above)
20. c1a2a Find Shotgun
21. c1a2d Dead end
22. c1a2b
23. c1a2c
24. c1a3 “We’ve got Hostiles” 9mmAR!
25. c1a3d
26. c1a3a
27. c1a3b
28. c1a3c
29. c1a4 “Blast Pit”
30. c1a4k
31. c1a4b
32. c1a4i
33. C1a4f Turn on Power.
34. C1a4d Middle of Map - Turn on Water/Air.
Map c1a4e is bad SKIP.
You go back to c1a4i to kill
Tentacle, won’t work in coop.
35. c1a4g Find 357
36. c1a4j Find Tripmines
37. c2a1 “Power Up”
38. c2a1b
39. c2a1a
Go back to c2a1, and turn on power; to kill monster. Not in co-op
40. c2a2 “On a Rail”
41. c2a2a Car is in different spot.
42. c2a2b2
43. c2a2b1
44. c2a2c Find Satchel
45. c2a2d
46. c2a2e Spawn at end of the level, backtrack.
47. c2a2f
48. c2a2g
49. c2a2h Player spawns in wrong spot.
50. c2a3 “Apprehension”
51. c2a3a Find X-Bow
52. c2a3b
53. c2a3c Spawn at end of level, backtrack.
54. c2a3d Spawn in wrong spot.
55. c2a4 “Residue Processing”
56. c2a4a
57. c2a4b
58. c2a4c
59. c2a4d “Questionable Ethics”
60. c2a4e
61. c2a4f
62. c2a4g Find Gauss
63. c2a5 “Surface Tension”
64. c2a5w
65. c2a5x
66. c2a5a Find RPG
67. c2a5b
68. c2a5c
69. c2a5d
70. c2a5e Crossfire map.
71. c2a5f
72. c2a5g
73. c3a1 “Forget About Freeman”
74. c3a1a
75. c3a1b
76. c3a2e “Lambda Core”
77. c3a2
78. c3a2a
79. c3a2b
80. c3a2c
81. c3a2f Spawn in a BAD spot.
82. c3a2d
83. c4a1 "Xen”
84. c4a2 “Gonarch’s Lair”
85. c4a2a
86. c4a2b
87. c4a1a “Interloper”
88. c4a1b
89. c4a1c
90. c4a1d
91. c4a1e
92. c4a1f
93. c4a3 “Nihilanth”
94. c5a1 “Meet Cancer"


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