Mapping (distribution guidelines)

This section will go over some instructions on how to pack your map for distribution.


  1. Preparation
  2. Packing
  3. Sharing


The first thing you must to is consolidate your map and its resources into a single location. This makes packaging the map much easier, and you're less likely to miss something out.

It is very important that you follow these guidelines. Failures or common mistakes can get your map removed or barred from various websites and the Steam workshop. If in doubt please ask first at the mapping message board External Link.

This diagram shows how your map content should be laid out in preparation for distribution.

Map distribution file structure

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To distribute your map you should first pack it up as a single archive file. This makes it easier to hand out and reduces its size. You can use a free utility such as 7-Zip External Link to create an archive. This runs on both Windows and Linux and is provided for free of charge.

Graphical instructions for Windows

If you've followed the preparation instructions, you should have a folder looking a bit like this. (in this example the map name is secretbean)

Map example file structure
  1. Select all of the contents of this folder then right click anything that is highlighted.
  2. Select 7-Zip then Add to archive... from the context menu.
  3. Copy the settings from the screen shot below.
  4. If your map is private you may want to protect the archive with a password.
  5. Click OK to create your archive.
Map 7-Zip settings

You should now have a 7z file you can share.

Command line instructions for Windows and Linux

If you've followed the preparation instructions, you should have a folder looking a bit like this. (in this example the map name is secretbean)

 Directory of ............\distribution\secretbean

08/10/2015  17:40    <DIR>          .
08/10/2015  17:40    <DIR>          ..
08/10/2015  17:40    <DIR>          gfx
08/10/2015  17:40    <DIR>          maps
08/10/2015  17:40    <DIR>          models
08/10/2015  17:40    <DIR>          scripts
08/10/2015  17:40           529,848 secretbean.wad
08/10/2015  17:40    <DIR>          sound
08/10/2015  17:40    <DIR>          sprites

Yes, this will look different on Linux with the ls command.

While your command prompt or terminal has its working directory set to this folder, you can create a 7z archive with this command:

7z a -t7z -mx9 <mapname>.7z *

If you want to protect your archive with a password, use this command instead. Put your password inside the quotes to ensure it's used exactly as written.

7z a -t7z -mx9 -mhe -p"Password Here" <mapname>.7z *

You should now have a 7z file you can share.

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Once you have verified your map's 7z archive is ready for distribution (including making sure you've followed all the guidelines here), you should share it on a few websites to get it out there.

In order to get your map as available as possible you should ensure your 7z file is hosted well. Here are a few places you can host your map's 7z file for free of charge.

Please avoid using websites of which place users into a download queue, inflict a wait timer, or advert gateway. These will only annoy people, and someone will just re-host your map somewhere less annoying.

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